Sunday 2 April 2017 – Painting & Cleaning Day
Sunday 2 April – We need help with the following.
Can you let Gordon Shumack or Phil Gooding know if you can help. Thanks. Even if only for a couple hours.
Prune and lop trees and take to tip
Deep clean Men’s toilets
Deep clean Ladies toilets
Deep clean Main bar
Deep clean cellar, repaint walls ceiling and paint floor (fire exit route)
Renew fire door in cellar with watertight steel door with emergency fittings and signage
Deep clean players bar
Deep clean kitchen
Entrance foyer and corridor to be redecorated, all walls to be cleaned down and repainted, woodwork to be rubbed down undercoat and repainted
Outside of the club including RFC changing rooms to be cleared of weeds and rubbish which has accumulated between the containers
Drainpipes and missing fittings to be securely replaced all gutters to be cleared
Memorial stand to be cleaned and drain outlets cleared, graffiti to be removed or over painted
Yard adjacent to kitchen to be cleared of rubbish and weeds
All lighting throughout club to be checked bulbs replaced with energy saving
Outside window frames wooden surrounds to be treated
Doors on storage bunker (red brick building) to be repainted green to match existing
Wall covering in Gooding lounge to be repaired
Long room : establish a Project Team to ensure watertight, investigate damp, obtain estimates for decorating, refurbish skittle alley